THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT & DANCING FOR 1SIX!Saturday, May 13, 2017 eMotion Dance Academy 82 Center Avenue, Emsworth PA Convention style Day of Dance 6.5 hours of dance instruction...
Paint NiteSaturday, March 25th at 3pm Level 20 Lounge 1033 Paxton Drive, Bethel, PA Space is limited Chinese auction $5 Flatbreads and $5 Wine...
Brentwood Police DepartmentAs a thank you to Brentwood Police Department for allowing Ty's friends to take one last ride with him and ride their dirt bikes in his...
Animal Rescue LeagueAnyone who knew Ty knows he was a huge animal lover so the 1Six Foundation has donated $20,000 to the Animal Rescue League to help...
Stuff A BusAs a fan of Stuff A Bus, Ty was always asking what bus number they were on so the 1Six Foundation has donated $1,700 worth of toys to...